Search and Rescue
Cost Effective Searching
ROVs are now deployed in SAR. They help streamline operations and get to the area quicker than a dive team. Remotely operated vehicles can conduct large scale searches, particularly in areas of strong currents or murky waters. By using wide-angled lenses on the cameras, and also by using sonar, the gathering of information from the ROV can help during an active crime scene and with minimal disturbance. Law enforcement has to work within available budgets, and the initial cost of a remotely operated vehicle could pay itself off very quickly with its time saving benefits.

Drowned Victim Recovery
Time is of the essence for a victim of drowning. A ROV can be deployed immediately on site to search for a submerged body or vehicle. Once the victim is located, the ROV may be instrumental in retrieving the body with grabber claws and robotic arms.
At Down Deep Drones we are developing a tool with a pneumatic arm to punch through glass underwater.
Contact us for further information

Forensic Assessment
If the area is a crime scene, the remotely operated vehicle can collect evidence quickly prior to the recovery of the victim. Forensic assessment can be conducted simultaneous to the recovery operation and viewed and actioned in real time. Vital information can be gleaned through the use of an underwater drone that may otherwise be missed.
Paper work is very time consuming for law and order, and search and rescue personnel. Having the remotely operated vehicle capture all necessary video, photos and with accurate data means that time is spent on the important areas of work - that of saving lives.
Contact us for a quote on your operation
Search and Recovery
​Drownings often occur in bodies of water that are also extremely dangerous for divers. The availability of an ROV for immediate deployment minimises the risk to divers. An ROV can also work in large areas in combination with a dive team. When a person is located, divers can either follow the ROV lanyard to the victim, use the grabber to recover the victim or deploy a buoy.