Custom Built Drones and
Custom Built Tools
Custom ROVs
At Down Deep Drones we have an in-depth understanding of what type of remotely operated vehicle would be best suited for your intended use. We can consult with you, to provide the best option for your underwater work horse. We have considerable experience in producing quality, and relatively low cost units, specific to your needs. If you have an idea for a special ROV or implements to mount on an ROV, we can assist you in every step- right through to manufacture and completed supply of your design.
Contact us with your requirements.
Custom AUUVs
X-Calibre can be a hybrid- a remotely operated vehicle, and an autonomous, unmanned underwater vehicle. We are proud to be able to offer Artificial Intelligence on this, our flagship, underwater drone. Primarily the A.I. is for ship hull inspections, however let us know what other use you want on your AUUV.
Contact us with your requirements.​
All of our Remotely Operated Vehicles and Autonomous Unmanned Underwater Vehicles have the payload to allow for different tool and instrument configurations. The tool mounts on X-Calibre, The Bullet, and The Dart, allow for the attachment of tools from Down Deep Drones, Blue Robotics, and other companies whose products we endorse.
Enquire here for a list of compatible tools and instruments.
Custom Tools
Would you like to harvest Lionfish off the coast of Florida or Sea Urchins in New Zealand? Perhaps sucking up gold rich alluvium in Alaska? We can design and manufacture the ideal tool for your job.
Tools that are available and can be mounted on a third party underwater drone, the QYSEA FIFISH range include a
spear gun - view in shop
large grabber claw for marine harvesting- view in shop
Please let us know your requirements. We probably have already designed just what you want!!
Custom Tool Design only
Starting at US$750 we can design the right tool for your job and provide a CAD file to you.
Custom ROV Design only
Starting at US$2000 we can design the right ROV for your job and provide a CAD file to you.
X-Calibre Hull
We can supply the hull of X-Calibre for you to create and build the ROV of your choice. X-Calibre is compatible with a wide range of Blue Robotics products, including both the T200 and T500 thrusters.